Friday, December 28, 2007
New Years Resolutions??
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother making any resolutions each year. I have such good intentions, but as early as February, or as miraculously late as June, they have conveniently faded away from a priority into a joke. However, once again I'm going to set 2, and at least one of them I'm going to make every effort to stick to and accomplish. I'd love to see both of them through, but the first one I set every year and only half way meet my personal challenge! :0) My first New Years resolution will once again be WEIGHT LOSS!! I have enjoyed food way too much these past few months, and haven't had not one shred of remorse over it!!! My pants aren't as forgiving though, and remind me daily that they can only be pushed so far. On that note, I'm asking them to be kind to me through one last party Saturday afternoon, and a reunion on Sunday. After that, I'll crank up my healthier eating once again on Monday.
My second and most personally important challenge/resolution is reading my bible. I am going to challenge myself to reading it all in one year. I figure if I can make time to read these other books that I enjoy so much, I have no excuse NOT to read the most important book of all.
So, those are my 2 New Years Resolutions for 2008. What are yours? Please feel free to leave me a note and tell me about the one(s)you're setting...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Starting a new blog for the new year........
One reason, is my other blog "crashed" so to speak. I was unable to make some changes, and the more I tried changing the settings, the more it didn't like me!! So - I decided to start a new one, but still keep the old one around. All the old posts are still out there, but come here to see what is happening from here on out! Please stop in and visit soon, and leave me a note letting me know what you think! Oh, and if I had a link to your blog, and it's not here - please send it to me again. I lost all that on my old blog - another reason for creating a new one!!