Sunday, April 13, 2008
These are late, but are pictures from Hannah's 1st birthday!
All of Hannah's family and dear friends that were here with us had a great time, and helped our sweet little girl celebrate this first huge milestone. She had a great time, and loved seeing everyone!
Happy 1st birthday, Hannah!

Let's get this party started!

Look at my messy face! Who says a girl can't get dirty and still look cute?!?

The beautiful cake that Kathleen MADE & decorated for Hannah...

Auntie Jennifer w/ Courtney giving Hannah a hug...

Auntie Kathleen, Dylan & miss Hannah hanging out after the party.

Thank you to ALL of our family and friends who are "family" that helped us celebrate this special day in Hannahs' life. We love you ALL.
some more pictures and a "walking" update!
Not much of an update - but for Hannah it was an accomplishment! She took 3 steps on her own yesterday! So proud of my little girl! She has started pointing to everything now, that's her latest "favorite" thing to do. A couple weeks back she had "Hand, Food & Mouth", which for those that don't know can cause blisters/bumps in their mouth, hands and feet - hence the name! :0)- Luckily she only had it in her mouth. It causes high fevers, loss of appetite, crankiness, etc.
Adam is doing well. He spent the night with his aunt Dawn last night, and from what I gathered, they had a great time. Friday, he, his nana & I went to the Natural Science Center in G'boro for a field trip w/ his class @ daycare. Here are some pictures from the big day.